How to Order?
This page contains step by step instructions on how to place an order on our website.
1. Finding what you want
You can find the product you want by using our ‘Title Search’ tool (located on the top right-hand corner of the website) to search by product names and descriptions.
This tool will give you a collection of all potential compounds relevant to your needs.
You can view full details of any product you are interested in by pressing the More Details button.
2. Placing your order
To order compounds please send us a Purchase Order to [email protected] or fax. Please include the following information:
- Purchase Order Number
- Delivery address
- Invoice address
- List of compounds (Catalog# and weights)
- Delivery date
3. Delivery
We ship orders directly from the manufacturing sites. You will get an estimated shipping cost in the order confirmation letter.
4. Payment terms
If you have any suggestions, problems, or complaints regarding our products or services please let us know. We always welcome your feedback and comments.
Payment is due 30 days from date of invoice. ChemScene reserves the right to suspend or change credit terms at any time.
Overdue payments will bear interest from the payment due date at 15% per annum.
Customer is responsible for all wire transfer fees and similar bank payment charges, which should be paid at time of payment of invoiced amount (payment of invoiced amount shall be made net of all bank charges).
Orders can be placed by phone Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM or anytime by email, fax or postal mail. Please feel free to contact us directly for further information and assistance; our friendly and professional staff will gladly assist you.
Thank you for your order!